restaurant list - belg - ZEROWASTE CATERING LAB

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Vegan hotspot under the radiant dome of the Bourdon Arcade in Ghent.
Goeste Poperinge
A Restaurant and Tearoom where you can enjoy the best of the Westhoek.
Heuvelland wines, Westhoek beers, the ice cream of l'Heritage and many other top local products.
With the fresh vegetables that we are going to harvest in the field 'GRONDIG' and other products in the area, we make fine dishes to share together at the table, in the afternoon we provide a simple lunch, a daily suggestion and the Famous BlikiBurger!

Vegetables in the leading role. Every morning Saladette makes a selection of the best products and ingredients of the season to prepare daily fresh dishes, salads and vegetable dishes. Different every afternoon, but always fresh. Saladette stands for tasty dishes with a quirky character or spicy dressing, and especially prepared with a lot of love.

Rekub makes chocolates, cakes and pies from fruits and vegetables that would normally be wasted. Because we are huge fans of ugly fruit and vegetables. And also of honest chocolate.

Created by
Zero Waste Catering LAB | 2021-1- HR01-KA220-VET-000025338
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
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