On the 22nd of January, the Belgian partner Syntra West presented the achieved project results of the Zero Waste Catering Lab project in Bruges. The event was focused on the impact of the Zero Waste principle on catering education.
Syntra West welcomed teachers, businesses, governments and education partners during the event and showed them the achieved results of the 3-year during project. Thibault Lejeune, of the Bruges Food Lab, presented their view on food waste vs food loss and showed the activities undertaken by the Bruges Food Lab to promote Zero Waste in catering.
The participants were asked to share their opinion about the introduction of the zero waste principle in catering education. They were presented with challenges about plastic/recycling, profiling and entrepreneurship, energy/water and food. The following take aways will Syntra West integrate in her education programmes:
- The zero waste principle introducing to the student from the start of the training and the teachers are made co-believers of the principle.
- The Zero Waste principle can preferably be integrated into the various modules of catering training: theory-practice-food safety-entrepreneurship-inventory management
- Integrating sufficient practical examples with speakers, practical exercises, challenges for the student, visiting chefs... because these have an impact
This interesting afternoon ended with a zero waste reception prepared by students of the day course chef and their teacher Dirk.