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In Zagreb, on May 23, 2024 the fifth season of the educational initiative #Birajzeleno began, a domestic comprehensive initiative that aims to reduce food waste. The emphasis of the initiative is on the education of the users of the Education Center Slava Raškaj who are training to become chefs.
Through educational workshops led by chef Mario Mandarić, the ambassador of the fifth season of #birajzeleno, students in the final year of the culinary course learn how to plan meals and food in order to make the most of everything, how to prepare delicious and nutritious meals from leftover food, how to reduce food waste and what is a zero food waste philosophy.
With a valuable donation in the amount of 20,000 euros, donated to the Education Center Slava Raškaj by the initiator of the initiative, the Nestle company will equip the cooking and pastry cabinet in the school building that is being renovated after the earthquake, thus enabling further development and education of young people.
Students and teachers continue to improve their knowledge and skills in green topics! Together for a better and more sustainable society!  
In the Slava Raškaj center, they are extremely happy that the Nestle company recognized their sustainability activities through the Zero Waste Catering Lab project and chose them for cooperation in the #birajzeleno project.

Created by
Zero Waste Catering LAB | 2021-1- HR01-KA220-VET-000025338
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
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